Category No: 006/2022
Department: Industrial Training
Module 1
Unit, Fractions
- Classification of Unit System
- Fundamental and Derived Units F.P.S, C.G.S, M.K.S and SI Units
- Measurement Units and Conversion
- Factors, HCF, LCM and Problems
- Fractions – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Decimal Fractions – – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Solving Problems by using calculator
Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage
- Square and Square Root
- Simple problems using calculator
- Application of Pythagoras Theorem and related problems
- Ratio and Proportions
- Direct and Indirect proportion
- Percentage
- Changing percentage to decimal
Material Science
- Types of metals
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of metals
- Types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Introduction of iron and cast iron
- Difference between iron and steel, alloy steel and carbon steel
- Properties and uses of rubber, timber and insulating materials
Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density
- Mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity
- Related problems for mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity
Module II
Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy
- Rest, motion, speed, velocity, difference between speed and velocity, acceleration and retardation
- Related problems on speed and velocity
- Potential energy, Kinetic Energy and related problems
- Work, power, energy, HP, IHP, BHP and efficiency
Heat & Temperature and Pressure
- Concept of heat and temperature, effects of heat, difference between heat and temperature
- Scales of temperature, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin and Conversion between scales of temperature
- Temperature measuring instruments, types of thermometer, pyrometer and transmission of heat – Conduction, convection and radiation
- Co-efficient of linear expansion and related problems with assignments
- Problem of Heat loss and heat gain with assignments
- Thermal conductivity and insulators
- Boiling point and melting point of different metals and Nonmetals
- Concept of pressure and its units in different system
Basic Electricity
- Introduction and uses of electricity, molecule, atom, how electricity is produced, electric current AC, DC and their comparison, voltage, resistance and their units
- Conductor, Insulator, types of connections- Series and Parallel
- Ohm’s Law, relation between VIR & related problems
- Electrical power, energy and their units, calculation with assignments
- Magnetic induction, self and mutual inductance and EMF generation
- Electrical Power, HP, Energy and units of electrical energy
Module III
- Area and perimeter of square, rectangle and parallelogram
- Area and Perimeter of Triangle
- Area and Perimeter of Circle, Semi-circle , circular ring, sector of circle, hexagon and ellipse
- Surface area and Volume of solids- cube, cuboids, cylinder, sphere and hollow cylinder
- Finding lateral surface area , total surface area and capacity in liter
Levers and Simple Machines
- Simple machines, Effort and load, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, efficiency of machine, relation between efficiency, velocity ratio and mechanical advantage
- Lever and its types
- Measurement of Angle, Trigonometrical Ratios, Trigonometric Table
- Trigonometry-Application in calculating height and distance (Simple Applications)
Module IV
- Advantages and disadvantages, Laws of friction, coefficient of friction, angle of friction, simple problems related to friction
- Friction – Lubrication
- Co – efficient of friction, application and effects of friction in workshop practice
Centre of Gravity
- Centre of gravity and its practical application
Area of cut – out regular surfaces and area of irregular surfaces
- Area of cut – out regular surfaces – circle, segment and sector of circle
- Related problems of area of cut – out regular surfaces – circle, segment and sector of circle
- Area of irregular surfaces and application related to shop problems
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Divisions
- Algebra – Theory of indices, Algebraic formula, related problems
Module V
- Elastic, plastic materials, stress, strains and their units and young modulus
- Ultimate stress and working stress
Heat Treatment
- Heat treatment and advantages
- Different heat treatment process – Hardening, Tempering, Annealing, Normalising, Case Hardening
Profit and Loss
- Simple problems on profit & loss
- Simple and compound interest
Estimation and Costing
- Simple estimation of the requirement of material etc., as applicable to the trade
- Problems on estimation and costing
Module VI
Engineering Drawing – Introduction
- Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Drawing Instruments
- Conventions
- Viewing of engineering drawing sheets
- Method of Folding of printed Drawing sheet as per BIS SP: 46-2003
Drawing Instrument
- Drawing board, T-square, Drafter (Drafting M/c), Set squares, Protector, Drawing Instrument Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc, pencils of different grades, Drawing pins/ Clips
Free hand drawing of
- Lines, polygons, ellipse etc
- Geometrical figures and blocks with dimension
- Transferring measurement from the given object to the free hand sketches.
- Solid objects – Cube, Cuboids, Cone, Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone with dimensions
- Free hand drawing of hand tools and measuring tools, simple fasteners (nuts, bolts, rivets etc.) trade related sketches
- Definition, types and applications in drawing as per BIS: 46-2003
- Classification of lines (Hidden, centre, construction, extension, Dimension, Section)
- Drawing lines of given length (Straight, curved)
- Drawing of parallel lines, perpendicular line
- Methods of Division of line segment
Module VII
Drawing of Geometrical figures
Definition, nomenclature and practice of –
- Angle: Measurement and its types, method of bisecting.
- Triangle: different types
- Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Parallelogram.
- Circle and its elements
- Different polygon and their values of included angles. Inscribed and circumscribed polygons
Lettering & Numbering
- Single Stroke, Double Stroke, Inclined
Dimensioning and its Practice
- Definition, types and methods of dimensioning (functional, non- functional and auxiliary)
- Position of dimensioning (Unidirectional, Aligned)
- Types of arrowhead
- Leader line with text
- Symbols preceding the value of dimension and dimensional tolerance.
Sizes and layout of drawing sheets
- Selection of sizes
- Title Block, its position and content
- Item Reference on Drawing Sheet (Item list)
Module VIII
Method of presentation of Engg. Drawing
- Pictorial View
- Orthographic View
- Isometric View
Symbolic representation – different symbols used in the trades
- Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts)
- Bars and profile sections
- Weld, Brazed and soldered joints
- Electrical and electronics element
- Piping joints and fitting
- Concept of axes plane and quadrant
- Orthographic projections
- Method of first angle and third angle projections (definition and difference)
- Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle projection in 3rd angle.
- Orthographic projection from isometric projection
Module IX
- Construction of scales and diagonal scales, Conic sections (Ellipse and Parabola)
- Sketches of nuts, bolt, screw thread, different types of locking devices Sketches of foundation, Double nut, Castle nut, Pin, etc.
- Rivets and rivetted joints, welded joints
- Sketches of pipes and pipe joints
- Assembly view of Vee blocks, Bush & Bearing, Different types of Coupling viz., Muff coupling, Half Lap Coupling, Flange coupling, etc. Simple work holding device Drawing details of two mating blocks and assembled view
- Sketch of shaft and pulley, belt, gear, gear drives
Module X
- Sign and Symbols of Electrical, Electronics and related trades
- Sketch of Electrical and Electronics/ trade related component
- Electrical and Electronics wiring diagram/ trade related Layout diagram
- Electrical earthing diagram – Drawing the schematic diagram of plate and pipe earthing.
- Electrical, Electronics/ trade related circuit diagram
- Block diagram of Instruments/ equipment of related trades
For detailed syllabus,
ഏവരും ഉറ്റുനോക്കുന്ന KSEB SUB ENGINEER – CIVIL പരീക്ഷയുടെ നോട്ടിഫിക്കേഷൻ KPSC പബ്ലിഷ് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുകയാണ് 📝
പരീക്ഷയ്ക്ക് ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച രീതിയിൽ തയ്യാറെടുക്കുന്നതിനായി CIVILIANZ നൽകുന്നു KSEB SUB ENGINEER – CIVIL പ്രീ റെക്കോർഡഡ് ക്ലാസ്സുകൾ ✨
Course Features :
⭐ Overseer സിലബസ് പ്രകാരമുള്ള പ്രീ റെക്കോർഡഡ് ക്ലാസ്സുകൾ
⭐️ ഓരോ വീഡിയോ ലെസണിനോടൊപ്പവുമുള്ള Assessment test
⭐️ Model Tests
⭐️ Live Interactive Quiz
⭐️ Overseer Test series
⭐️ Faculty support
Course duration – 1 year
For more details contact👇🏻
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