Govt. Order – Malayalam language is required for government personnel under the KSSR amendment.

Govt. Order – Malayalam language is required for government personnel under the KSSR amendment.

According to the KSSR amendment, people who have not studied Malayalam as a language must pass the Malayalam examination administered by the Kerala PSC with at least 40% marks.

As part of the Government’s policy decision that Malayalam should be the official language of Government, Government vide G.O.(Ms) 29/2013/P&ARD dated 19th October 2013, have ordered that those who enter newly in Government service and have not studied Malayalam as one of the languages till Standard X or either at Plus-2 or at Degree level shall pass a language test in Malayalam with not less than 40% marks conducted by Kerala Public Service Commission which is equivalent to the Senior Higher Diploma test of Malayalam Mission for successful completion of probation. It has also been ordered that the existing provisions in the rule of the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958, regarding linguistic minorities shall remain as such. In order to give statutory validity to the above said Government Order, necessary amendments have to be made in the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958. 

Download the official Govt. Order👇🏻,


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