Name of the organization | SOUTH EASTERN COALFTETDS TIMITED |
Name of the Post | 1. Graduate Apprentice 2. Technician Apprentice |
Vacancy | 100 |
Application mode | Online |
Last Date to apply Online | 27th February 2024 |
Official website | https://www.secl-cil.in/ |
South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) was incorporated on 25.11.1985 with the objective to acquire and take over business of the Bilaspur division of Western Coalfields & the Talcher division of Central Coalfields limited. SECL is a Schedule-B Miniratna CPSE in the coal & lignite sector. It is one of the eight subsidiaries of Coal India Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) under the Ministry of Coal having registered Corporate Office at Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
Name of the Post | Vacancy |
Graduate Apprentice | 50 |
Technician Apprentice | 50 |
Name of the Post | Educational Qualification |
Graduate Apprentice | 4 year Degree in Civil Engineering |
Technician Apprentice | 3 year Diploma in Civil Engineering |
Name of the Post | Stipend |
Graduate Apprentice | Rs. 9000/- |
Technician Apprentice | Rs. 8000/- |
Interested candidates registered on NATS 2.0 portal, are advised to submit their application through online Application Form, by clicking on the Google Form link https://forms.gle/6QMspCcz1AdPQ62V9 available on official website of SECL (www.secl-cil.in). under Human resource-> HRD-> Apprentice, within the prescribed time limit. The candidate is required to login with his GMAIL, account to fill the google form. Applications sent through post/mail or any other mode will not be considered accepted. The last date to apply online is Thursday 27th February 2024 till 12.00 MIDNIGHT. Applications received after the last date will not be considered. Defective and unclear applications will not be considered.
In the reservation of seats, provision of DoPT guidelines i.e., Reservations for Scheduled Castes 14% scheduled tribe 23% and Other Backward Class 13% has been followed.
Date of passing in engineering/ diploma is hasis for shortlisting of the candidate. Earlier passed candidate will be placed higher. In case of tie-on date of passing, in the same category, the percentage of marks of Engineering Degree / Diploma, percentage of marks in 12th /10th respectively and, date of birth will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd tie breakers in order for provisional selection. The provisional selection list will be prepared on the basis of above criteria and reservation.
Two seniority list of provisionally selected candidates as per selection criteria will be prepared. Ist list will consist of belonging to Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh and 2nd list (Level -2) will be prepared of candidates belonging to rest other states. Candidates from 2nd list will get opportunity after exhausting First list candidates. The provisional selection list will be uploaded on the SECL website, tentatively, in the Ist week of March 2024
Last date of submission of online application | 27th February 2024 |
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