Best Study Materials for Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Civil examination
Assistant Engineer exam in Civil Engineering is one of the dream job for all civil engineering B Tech/BE graduates out there. Obviously on the side of social status, life security and pay scale too it justifies the aspiration too. Selection of best study materials and best coaching Centre to study is the first and most important thing to deal with it. Study materials and previous question papers analysing play a pivotal role in cracking Assistant Engineer exams. This article helps you in selecting best study materials for Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Civil Examination.
NB: This article is a compilation of information from the team of best coaching for Civil Engineering competitive exams.
Upcoming Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil 2021 exams – Important Details
Name of post | Assistant Engineer Civil |
Departments | Pollution Control Board |
Number of vacancies (department and vacancies) | Pollution Control Board (83) |
Notification Released on | 30.04.2021 |
Last date to apply | 02.06.2021 |
Mode of applying | Online |
Date of Examination | Not yet announced |
Method of appointment | Direct Recruitment |
Official Website | www.keralapsc.gov.in |
Exact knowledge of syllabus, exam pattern and subject wise weightage is very important thing in cracking Assistant Engineer exam.
Selecting Best study Materials
- Select best study materials for AE Civil – Tons of books are available in market. Selecting best material will save your time and money. It also super accelerates your preparations. Remind following point while selecting best material for Assistant Engineer Civil exam.–
a) Select the book which is error free and get advice from previous winners/ aspirants.
b) Buy a book which completely covers syllabus of AE exam.
c) Make sure that, selected book consists of previous question papers or mock tests to practice. Because it helps in better understanding of previously asked topics.
Previous question paper discussion sessions will actually work as most of the questions are repetitively asking in Assistant Engineer exams by Kerala PSC. Understanding the previous questions will cope you up with this point. Here is the link for best material for Previous Year Solved Question Papers in Civil Engineering – including Assistant Engineer and Overseer Civil.
Making use of Available Platforms:
- Make use of online platforms where you can access Online Study Material like – Online E-Books, PDFs, Question Papers, Mock Tests, Tests Series, Video Lectures etc, provides an easy to learn environment at your comfortable space.
- Take online Mock Tests- Attempting mock tests can help you understand the type of questions asked for the exam and practice seriously like you are attempting real exam, go through mistakes happened.
- Make short notes on topics learnt and which you can use to revise before exam. It also helps in time management in last minute preparations.
- Practice previous years question papers. So we can have better understanding of topics need to be concentrated.
- Along with continuously practicing previous question papers and mocks, its performance analysis also need to be noted. At Civilianz, we have this option for psc coaching for civil engineers
through our online learning platform CivilApp. We regularly update mock tests and previous questions for your practice with in depth performance analysis. Since this is the most sought platform for Civil Engineering competitive exams, you can compete among most of the students preparing for AE and Overseer exams.
Sl.No | Book | Author/ Publication | Purchase link |
2 | Civil Engineering Handwritten Book For Competitive Exams | Civilianz | Purchase now |
4 | The Civilianz Quick Reference Guide for Assistant Engineer and Overseer level Exams | Civilianz | Purchase now |
5 | KERALA PSC CIVIL ENGINEERING PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS – For Diploma/ ITI PSU level exams | Civilianz | Purchase now |
6 | Civil Engineering MCQ Comprehensive Compilation of MCQ with Answer Key | Civilianz | Purchase now |
7 | Comprehensive Study Material for GATE Civil Engineering with Theory and Problems | Civilianz | Purchase now |
8 | E-Book of 133 Previous year Questions with answer key – For AE/ Overseer Level Exams | Civilianz | Purchase now |
9 | E-Book of Mechanical Engineering – Objective and Conventional (Synopsis) | Civilianz | Purchase now |
You can rely on the materials listed above. Listed materials are prepared by the best faculty team in Kerala for Civil Engineering competitive exams. Yes it is ! It is from the best civil engineering coaching centre in Kerala for AE Civil, Overseer Civil exams.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil Previous Year Question Papers :
Practising previous year question paper is a very good tactic to boost your exam preparation. It will help you understand how & what type of questions are asked. Also Kerala PSC has repeated questions too. Because of it, most of the questions can by hearted from the previous question paper itself. So we suggest, previous question paper book as a best reference material for your preparation.
Check out our video regarding the preparation strategies for Assistant Engineer and Overseer exams:
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil 2021 Exam Pattern
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil written examination shall be conducted through OMR mode. The exam pattern is as follows. Since there is no provision for using calculator, questions can be expected with minimum calculations.
Subject | Maximum Marks | Duration | Medium of Question |
Topics based on Educational Qualification | 100 | 1 hour 15 minutes | English |
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Civil Syllabus 2021
Given below the important subject to be concentrated for AE Civil exam:
- Mechanics of Solids and Engineering Mechanics
- Concrete Technology
- Water Resources Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics
- Surveying including Geomatics
- Environmental Engineering
- Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Steel Structures
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
NB : Subjects like Building Materials, Building Construction, Estimation etc. really holds less weightage in Assistant Engineer exam syllabus. So investing lot of time in these subjects will be a futile job. Also we can focus more on the above mentioned list of subjects.
How you can use CIVILAPP for your exam preparation:
- CIVILIANZ is the best civil engineering coaching centre in kerala
- CIVILAPP is the best personalized learning app for civil engineering competitive exams from civilianz.
- Download CivilApp and get free classes for AE Civil, Overseer Civil, Free quizzes, Mock Tests for AE Civil, Overseer exams and get full courses in minimum fee structure.
- Their is recorded classes and live class for civil engineering candidates
- Also you can access full length mock tests and previous year question papers.
- Apart from the above mentioned, CivilApp also has regular job updates, newsfeed etc.
Download CivilApp
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