Name of the organization Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited
Name of the Post Executive (Civil)
Application mode Online
Last date of application 16.02.2025
Vacancy 36
Official website  ww.dfccil.com

DFCCIL, or Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited is a subsidiary of Indian Railways, whose sole purpose of to manage dedicated freight lines/rail routes. By definition/designation of Govt. of India (Ministry of Railways), DFCCIL is a “- “special purpose vehicle” that has been created to undertake planning & development, mobilisation of financial resources and construction, maintenance and operation of the Dedicated Freight Corridors”. This company was established with the aim to reduce congestion along busy passenger routes, originating from national capital, and other economic centres in India, by moving freight traffic to dedicated paths/railway lines.



Name of the Post Vacancy
Executive (Civil) 36


Best Study Material for KPSC Civil Engineering ExamsBest Study Material for KPSC Civil Engineering Exams



Name of the Post Qualification & Experience
Executive (Civil) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering
(Transportation)/ Civil Engineering. (Construction
Technology)/ Civil Engg. (Public Health)/ Civil Engineering. (Water Resource) from a recognized
University / Institute with not less than 60% marks.



Name of the Post Age limit
Executive (Civil) 18-30 years


Online Test Series Combo - Civil

Online Test Series Combo – Civil



Name of the Post Pay scale
Executive (Civil) Rs. 30,000-1,20,000 /-






Last date of application 16.02.2025






Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) notified anticipated vacancies for the post of Assistant Engineer in Local Self Government Department.. If you are going to appear for the exam, it is definitely essential that you analyze the previous year question papers and their answers. You can use these as model papers for revision. In this article we are providing LSGD AE Previous Question Paper of last conducted exam with answers pdf and you can also download this here.

Civilianz stands as the top Assistant Engineer Civil Engineering Coaching Center in Kerala, specializing in preparing students for various Civil Engineering Competitive exams. Our comprehensive coaching program covers a range of exams, including GATE – Civil, Assistant Engineer, Assistant Professor Civil, Lecturer in Polytechnic, Junior Engineer- Civil, Overseer, Tracer, and other similar Civil engineering competitions. 

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