Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering GATE 2022 Online Registration
Yes Here it is!!! The much awaited date, in-fact the first date that you need to look into regarding the GATE exam. From today, that is 02-09-2021, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur site opens the portal for GATE exam registration. It doesn’t matter if you are not the first among the candidates to do the registration, but do remember not to become the last, as the last date for registration is extended till 28-9-2021.
So what if you are so busy and into studies that you have forgot register in between these dates? Lets hope that it doesn’t happen but if at any chance this happens there is still a date for registering which will be open till 1-10-2021. However there will be a penalty if you falls into this category. So make sure that it doesn’t happen.
Are there any other dates that you need to remember apart from these? If this is regarding the registration then No, but do remember about the registration fee that you need to pay. If by chance you make any defect or error in your application, now worries….there will be time till 1-11-2021 to rectify that. So how do you know if there is any defect in your application, this can be either done by yourself or if they IIT find any defect in your application they will surely let you know by 26-10-2021.
And last, if by any chance you want to change something in your application, there is still provision for you to do that till 12-11-2021
Remember these dates and mark it in your calendar, if you do it right then, the next date to remember will be when you will get the admit card, you can start downloading that from 3-1-2021 from the IIT website. And get prepared for the exam on the first week or the second of February. Which will be precisely notified in your Admit card.
Important Dates Related to GATE 2022
About GATE 2022
IIT Kharagpur is the organising institute for GATE 2022.
GATE 2022 will be conducted on 29 subjects (also referred to as “papers”) as ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT).
The online examination papers will contain some questions of (i) Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type, where only one option out of four options is correct. Remaining questions may be of (ii) Multiple Select Question (MSQ) type, where one or more than one options out of four options is/are correct, and / or (iii) Numerical Answers Type (NAT) where answer must be keyed in by the candidate using a virtual keypad. The candidates will use ONLY an on-screen virtual calculator provided for the examination.
A candidate can appear in ANY ONE or UP TO TWO papers of the GATE examination. However,
note that the combination of TWO papers in which a candidate can appear MUST be selected from the pre-defined list
GATE 2022 examinations will be held during the forenoon and afternoon sessions on Saturday 5th Sunday 6th, Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of February 2022
Examination for some of the papers in GATE 2022 may be held in multiple sessions. However, a
candidate will be required to appear for the examination in ONLY one of the multiple sessions of the same paper.
Important Instructions
1. Candidates have to register and fill the application via ONLINE mode ONLY at GATE 2022 website
2. The entire process of filling up of the application form and uploading of certificates / documents, etc. is in ONLINE mode only. The candidates should NOT send any hard copy of their application forms / documents etc. to IIT Kharagpur or any of the zonal GATE offices.
3. The Admit Cards for GATE 2022 would be available for download on the GATE 2022 website of IIT Kharagpur only. No printed copy of the Admit Cards will be posted to the candidates.
4. The candidate has to appear at the GATE Examination Centre on the date and time specified in the Admit Card.
Application Process
Application for GATE 2022 must be submitted ONLINE website by paying necessary application fees. The photograph, signature, category certificate (SC / ST / PwD) and / or Dyslexic certificate, wherever applicable, must be uploaded during the online application.
Candidates MUST enter the valid photo identity (ID) number specified in any one of the following IDs: Aadhaar-UID (preferable), Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID and Driving License.
The candidates who do not possess any of these identity cards, may please procure any one of them before making the application.
Candidate MUST produce the SAME original valid photo ID proof during the examination for verification purpose. In the absence of the SAME original valid photo ID proof, candidate will NOT be allowed to appear for GATE 2022 examination
GATE 2022 Application Fee
For Examination Centres in India | Regular Period (30th August to 24th Sept. 2021) | During the Extended Period (25th Sep. to 1st Oct. 2021) |
Female candidates (per paper) | ₹ 750 | ₹ 1250 |
SC / ST / PwD* category candidates (per paper) | ₹ 750 | ₹ 1250 |
All other candidates (per paper) | ₹ 1500 | ₹ 2000 |
GATE Online Application Process
GATE 2022 provides an online interface to the candidate for interacting with the GATE administration. With this interface, a candidate can:
1. Apply for the examination
2. Upload photograph, signature and other documents and category certificate (SC / ST / PwD) and / or Dyslexic certificate as applicable.
3. Pay the application fee through any of the electronic payment modes.
4. Check the Status of the application form: Received, under scrutiny, Accepted, Defect status, Status after rectification, rejected with valid reasons, Admit Card ready for download, etc.
5. Download Admit Card.
6. View your answers, marks and GATE score
7. Download GATE scorecard.
8. A candidate must first register by providing Full Name (as per the valid photo ID, which candidate MUST bring in original while appearing for GATE 2022 examination at the examination centre), a valid e-mail address, mobile number and by choosing a password.
All communications from the GATE Offices will be sent to this e-mail address (ONLY ONE PERSON CAN REGISTER WITH ONE e-mail ADDRESS) and / or mobile number. Give the personal mobile number and e-mail address, because most of the communication will be through e-mail and/or SMS
9. Each registered candidate will be provided with an Enrolment ID. Upon registration, an e-mail containing the Enrolment ID will be sent to the candidate. This Enrolment ID will be the reference ID for all future communication until the examination gets over.
10. The candidate has to choose a password during Enrolment. This password must be remembered along with the Enrolment ID to login in to your account. It is strongly recommended to choose a password that cannot be guessed easily (it should not be the candidate’s name, date of birth, or some easily identifiable string of numbers or letters like 12345 or abcd). Length of the password should be 8-15 characters. Keep your password information safe, secure and confidential
11. Filling in GATE 2022 Application
12. After due registration, GATE 2022 application must be filled and submitted ONLINE only
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering GATE 2022 Online Registration
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