LATERAL ENTRY TEST 2022!!! – LET Coaching in Kerala
DTE Kerala LET stands for Directorate of Technical Education Kerala Lateral Entrance Test. Lateral Entry Test is intended to admit meritorious Diploma/ Diploma of Vocation/ B.Sc holders to the Third Semester of the B. Tech courses to acquire a Degree in Engineering. Lateral Entry Scheme is approved by the Government of Kerala for 10% of the sanctioned seats, which shall be over and above supernumerary in addition to total seats plus the unfilled vacancies of the first year (lapsed seats of the first year). A state-level Entrance Examination for the selection is suggested to maintain uniformity among various schemes of Diploma / Diploma of Vocation / B.Sc holders.
Candidates who have passed a three-year Diploma in Engineering/ Technology, Diploma of Vocation awarded from State Board of Technical Education / Universities or Institutions under Govt. of India or undergoing studies at AICTE approved institutions and candidates who have passed B.Sc degree with Mathematics as their main or subsidiary subject from a recognized university as defined by the UGC are eligible to apply for the Lateral Entry Test subject to fulfilling the requirements of minimum marks as contained clauses.
The admission will be subject to regulations prescribed in the prospectus for the B.Tech lateral entry course, and of the Universities concerned. Applicants should have completed 18 years of age. No relaxation in the minimum age will be allowed. However, there is no upper age limit.
Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply in all categories of seats in B.Tech (LET) admission. The admission of non-Keralites will be restricted to the management quota seats in Private Self-Financing engineering colleges and Management seats in the Government controlled engineering colleges.
The online application form is available on the website. Application along with supporting documents has to be submitted online. Application or supporting documents submitted by any other means will not be considered. All the mandatory and supporting documents must be uploaded through the uploads section of the online application form. The schedule and the detailed step-by-step procedure for submitting the online application form will be notified separately.
I. Module 1
General Introduction to Civil Engineering: Relevance of Civil Engineering in the overall infrastructural development of the country. Responsibility of an engineer in ensuring the safety of the built environment. A brief introduction to major disciplines of Civil Engineering like Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Environmental Engineering.
Introduction to buildings: Types of buildings, selection of a site for buildings, components of a residential building, and their functions.
Building rules and regulations: Relevance of NBC, KBR & CRZ norms (brief discussion only).
Building area: Plinth area, built-up area, floor area, carpet area, and floor area ratio for a building as per KBR.
II. Module 2
Surveying: Importance, objectives, and principles.
Construction materials, Conventional construction materials: types, properties, and uses of building materials: bricks, stones, cement, sand, and timber Cement concrete: Constituent materials, properties, and types.
Steel: Steel sections and steel reinforcements, types, and uses.
Modern construction materials:- Architectural glass, ceramics, plastics, composite materials, thermal and acoustic insulating materials, decorative panels, waterproofing materials. Modern uses of gypsum, prefabricated building components (brief discussion only).
III. Module 3
Building Construction: Foundations: Bearing capacity of the soil (definition only), functions of foundations, types – shallow and deep (brief discussion only). Load bearing and framed structures (concept only).
Brick masonry: – Header and stretcher bond, English bond & Flemish bond random rubble masonry.
Roofs and floors: – Functions, types; flooring materials (brief discussion only).
Basic infrastructure services: MEP, HVAC, elevators, escalators, and ramps (Civil Engineering aspects only), fire safety from buildings.
Green buildings:- Materials, energy systems, water management, and environment for green buildings. (brief discussion only).
IV. Module 4
Analysis of thermodynamic cycles: Carnot, Otto, Diesel cycles, Derivation of efficiency of these cycles, Problems to calculate heat added, heat rejected, network and efficiency. IC Engines: CI, SI, 2-Stroke, 4-Stroke engines. Listing the parts of different types of IC Engines. Efficiencies of IC Engines(Definitions only), Air, Fuel, cooling and lubricating systems in SI and CI Engines, CRDI, MPFI. Concept of hybrid engines.
V. Module 5
Refrigeration: Unit of refrigeration, reversed Carnot cycle, COP, vapor compression cycle (only description and no problems); Definitions of dry, wet & dew point temperatures, specific humidity, and relative humidity, Cooling and dehumidification, Layout of the unit and central air conditioners.
Description About working with sketches of Reciprocating pump, Centrifugal pump, Pelton turbine, Francis turbine, and Kaplan turbine. Overall efficiency, Problems with the calculation of input and output power of pumps and turbines (No velocity triangles) Description about working with sketches of Belt and Chain drives, Gear and Gear trains, Single plate clutches.
VI. Module 6
Manufacturing Process: Basic description of the manufacturing processes – Sand Casting, Forging, Rolling, Extrusion, and their applications. Metal Joining Processes: List types of welding, Description with sketches of Arc Welding, Soldering and Brazing and their applications
Basic Machining operations: Turning, Drilling, Milling, and Grinding.
Description About working with a block diagram of Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, CNC Machine. Principle of CAD/CAM, Rapid and Additive manufacturing.
VII. Module 1
Elementary Concepts of Electric Circuits Elementary concepts of DC electric circuits: Basic Terminology including voltage, current, power, resistance, emf; Resistances in series and parallel; Current and Voltage Division Rules; Capacitors & Inductors: V-I relations and energy stored. Ohms Law and Kirchhoff’s laws-Problems; Star-delta conversion (resistive networks only-derivation not required)-problems.
Analysis of DC electric circuits: Mesh current method – Matrix representation – Solution of network equations. Node voltage methods-matrix representation-solution of network equations by matrix methods. Numerical problems.
VIII. Module 2
Elementary Concepts of Magnetic circuits, Electromagnetic Induction and AC fundamentals
Magnetic Circuits: Basic Terminology: MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance – comparison between electric and magnetic circuits- Series and parallel magnetic circuits with composite materials, numerical problems.
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s laws, problems, Lenz’s law- statically induced and dynamically induced EMFs – Self-inductance and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling Alternating Current fundamentals: Generation of alternating voltages-Representation of sinusoidal waveforms: frequency, period, Average, RMS values and form factor of waveforms-Numerical Problems.
IX. Module 3
AC Circuits: Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities. Trigonometric, Rectangular, Polar, and complex forms. Analysis of simple AC circuits: Purely resistive, inductive & capacitive circuits; Inductive and capacitive reactance, the concept of impedance. Average Power Power factor. Analysis of RL, RC, and RLC series circuits-active, reactive and apparent power. Simple numerical problems.
Three-phase AC systems: Generation of three-phase voltages; advantages of three-phase systems, star and delta connections (balanced only), the relation between line and phase voltages, line and phase currents- Numerical problems
X .Module 4
Introduction to Semiconductor devices: Evolution of electronics – Vacuum tubes to nanoelectronics. Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors (constructional features not required): types, specifications. Standard values, color coding. PN Junction diode: Principle of operation, V-I characteristics, the principle of avalanche breakdown. Bipolar Junction Transistors: PNP and NPN structures, Principle of operation, the relation between current gains in CE, CB, and CC, input and output characteristics of common emitter configuration.
XI. Module 5
Basic electronic circuits and instrumentation: Rectifiers and power supplies: Block diagram description of a dc power supply, Working of a full-wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filter (no analysis), working of the simple Zener voltage regulator. Amplifiers: Block diagram of Public Address system, Circuit diagram and working of common emitter (RC coupled) amplifier with its frequency response, Concept of voltage divider biasing. Electronic Instrumentation: Block diagram of an electronic instrumentation system.
XII. Module 6
Introduction to Communication Systems: Evolution of communication systems – Telegraphy to 5G.
Radio communication: the principle of AM & FM, frequency bands used for various communication systems, a block diagram of a superheterodyne receiver, Principle of antenna – radiation from accelerated charge. Mobile communication: basic principles of cellular communications, principle and block diagram of GSM.
XIII. Module 1
Basics of Computer Hardware and Software Basics of Computer Architecture: processor, Memory, Input& Output devices Application Software & System software: Compilers, interpreters, High level and low-level languages Introduction to a structured approach to programming, Flow chart Algorithms, Pseudocode (bubble sort, linear search – algorithms and pseudocode)
XIV. Module 2
Program Basics Basic structure of C program: Character set, Tokens, Identifiers in C, Variables and Data Types, Constants, Console IO Operations, print f, and scan f Operators and Expressions: Expressions and Arithmetic Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, Conditional operator, size of the operator, Assignment operators, and Bitwise Operators. Operators Precedence Control Flow Statements: If Statement, Switch Statement, Unconditional Branching using goto statement, While Loop, Do While Loop, For Loop, Break and Continue statements. (Simple programs covering control flow)
XV. Module 3
Arrays and strings Arrays Declaration and Initialization, 1-Dimensional Array, 2-Dimensional Array
String processing: Inbuilt String handling functions (strlen, strcpy, strcat and strcmp, puts, gets) Linear search program, a bubble sort program, simple programs covering arrays and string
XVI. Module 4
Working with functions Introduction to modular programming, writing functions, formal parameters, actual parameters Pass by Value, Recursion, Arrays as Function Parameters structure, union, Storage Classes, Scope and lifetime of variables, simple programs using functions
XVII. Module 5
Pointers and Files Basics of Pointer: declaring pointers, accessing data through pointers, NULL pointer, array access using pointers, pass by reference effect
File Operations: open, close, read, write, append .Sequential access and random access to files: In built file handling functions (rewind(), fseek(), ftell(), feof(), fread(), fwrite()), simple programs covering pointers and files.
XVIII.Module 1
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics-statics-basic principles of statics-Parallelogram law, equilibrium law, principles of superposition and transmissibility, the law of action and reaction(review) free body diagrams. Concurrent coplanar forces composition and resolution of forces-resultant and equilibrium equations – methods of projections – methods of moments – Varignon’s Theorem of moments.
XIX. Module 2
Friction – sliding friction – Coulomb’s laws of friction – analysis of single bodies –wedges, ladder- analysis of connected bodies. Parallel coplanar forces – couple – resultant of parallel forces – center of parallel forces – equilibrium of parallel forces – Simple beam subject to concentrated vertical loads. General coplanar force system – resultant and equilibrium equations.
XX. Module 3
The centroid of composite areas– – a moment of inertia-parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorems. Polar moment of inertia, a radius of gyration, mass moment of inertia-ring, cylinder, and disc. Theorem of Pappus Guldinus (demonstration only) Forces in space – vectorial representation of forces, moments, and couples –resultant and equilibrium equations – concurrent forces in space (simple problems only)
XXI. Module 4
Dynamics – rectilinear translation – equations of kinematics(review) kinetics – equation of motion – D’Alembert’s principle. – motion on horizontal and inclined surfaces, the motion of connected
bodies. Impulse momentum equation and work-energy equation (concepts only). Curvilinear translation – equations of kinematics –projectile motion(review), kinetics – equation of motion. Moment of momentum and work-energy equation (concepts only).
XXII. Module 5
Rotation – kinematics of rotation- equation of motion for a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis – rotation under a constant moment. The plane motion of rigid body – the instantaneous center of rotation (concept only).Simple harmonic motion – free vibration –degree of freedom- undamped free vibration of spring-mass system-effect of damping(concept only)
MATHEMATICS (20 marks)
XXIII. Module 1
Linear algebra Systems of linear equations, Solution by Gauss elimination, row echelon form and rank of a matrix, fundamental theorem for linear systems (homogeneous and non-homogeneous, without proof), Eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Diagonalization of matrices, orthogonal transformation, quadratic forms, and their canonical forms.
XXIV. Module 2
Multivariable calculus-Differentiation and Integration Concept of limit and continuity of functions of two variables, partial derivatives, chain rule, total derivative, Relative maxima and minima, Absolute maxima, and minima on closed and bounded set. Double integrals (Cartesian), reversing the order of integration, Change of coordinates (Cartesian to polar).
XXV. Module 3
Sequences and series Convergence of sequences and series, the convergence of geometric series and p-series(without proof), a test of convergence (comparison, ratio, and root tests without proof).
Taylor series (without proof, assuming the possibility of power series expansion inappropriate domains), Binomial series and series representation of exponential, trigonometric, logarithmic functions (without proofs of convergence); Fourier series, Euler formulas, Convergence of Fourier series (without proof).
XXVI. Module 4
Calculus of vector functions Vector-valued function of a single variable, a derivative of a vector function and geometrical interpretation, motion along with a curve velocity, speed, and acceleration. Concept of scalar and vector fields, Gradient and its properties, directional derivative, divergence, and curl.
XXVII. Module- 5
Ordinary differential equations, Laplace Transforms, and Fourier Transforms Homogenous linear differential equation of second order, superposition principle, general solution, homogenous linear ODEs with a constant coefficients-general solution. Solution of Euler-Cauchy equations (second-order only). Existence and uniqueness (without proof). Laplace Transform and its inverse, linearity, Laplace transform of basic functions, Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, solution of differential equations using Laplace transform, Unit step function. Fourier integral representation, Fourier sine, and cosine integrals. Fourier sine and cosine transforms, inverse sine and cosine transform. Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform, basic properties
ENGLISH (10 mark)
For English, out of 10 marks to be awarded, 5 marks will be for questions based on a given passage and the remaining 5 marks for basic Grammar and General English of plus 2 standards
A State-level OMR-based objective type Entrance Examination for a duration of two hours will be
conducted by The Joint Controller of Technical Examinations, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram. for the selection.
Examination centers will be at Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam,
Thodupuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Tirur, Malappuram, Sulthan Bathery, Kozhikode, Kannur & Kasaragod.
The Entrance Examination will be as per the syllabus based on the First-year B.Tech curriculum of Kerala Technological University (KTU). The syllabus for the entrance examination is included as Annexure K. The rank list will be published by The Director of Technical Education TVM. The Rank List shall be prepared with all the candidates in the order of marks secured in the Entrance examination, except those who secure Zero. There is no negative mark in the valuation of answer scripts of the entrance examination. For every correct answer candidates will get one mark and no reduction of the mark(negative mark) for the wrong answers.
After the completion of the second allotment and its admission procedures, if seats remain vacant, a
centralized spot admission will be conducted on a suitable date as fixed later.
1. Read the prospectus (available on the website: www.admissions.dtekerala.gov.in) with almost care before submitting the application online.
2. First complete the registration and obtain login id (application no) and password. Do not forget to
take a copy of the registration details. For resetting the password, the date of birth, mobile no, and email id is given at the time of the registration is compulsory.
3. The application forms shall be filled up strictly in accordance with the direction contained in the
prospectus. No Colum shall leave blank.
4. Upload a passport-size photo of the candidate in jpg/jpeg format of size between15 to 30 kb for online registration and affix the same photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer in the space provided in the hard copy of the application form.
5. Candidates are requested to remit the required fee as per Para 8 of the prospectus after online registration.
6. No Editing or Modification is allowed after confirming the online submission of the application
7. Hard copy of the application form, SBI Chalan & the Performa for certificates will be obtained only after completing the online submission.
8. Defective or incomplete applications will be rejected. Documents/Certificates furnished after the
submission of the application will not be entertained under any circumstances.
9. Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the duly filled application form and the application number furnished may be used as the identification code for future reference.
10. fee once remitted will not be refunded.
11. The computer printout of the e-certificates (for community) issued by Village Officers & Tahasildar is also acceptable.
12. For more information and clarification on general doubts regarding LET(B.Tech)2022 admission,
candidates can call at:0471-2775431(10 am to 5 pm on all working days).For clarification regarding
allotments, the candidates can call at 0471-2561313, (10 am to 5 pm on all working days).
This bundle is focused on diploma holders who want to acquire a Degree in Engineering through meritorious results🤩 in the examination. We assure you with a forum🙌with the Best quality content👌that enhance your next phase of preparation🤝.
The features of the Course include:
✳️ Basic Civil and Mechanical Eng
✳️ Mathematics
✳️ Basic Electrical and Electronics
✳️Engineering Mechanics
✳️ Computer Science Eng
The bundle is also full-fledged with
👉🏼Recorded video Classes syllabus
👉🏼 Daily Assessment tests
👉🏼 PYQ discussion
👉🏼Discussion Forum
👉🏼 Faculty support
👉🏼 PYQ Discussions
Course Duration: – 1 Year
Course Fee : – – 4500/- + Gst
Nb: Speed Adjustment is only in Web Version
Speed Adjustment in Civil app will update soon
For details:
📲 9383450415
📲 9097550099
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