Components of Pitched Roof



Main roof components

1.Span: Clear Horizontal distance between two supports

2. Effective span: Centre to centre distance between two supports

3. Wall plate: Timber piece used to transfer the load of pitched roof to the vertical one

4. Ridge: Apex of a sloping /pitched roof

5. Rise: Clear vertical distance between ridge and base of wall plate

6. Pitch: Inclination of pitched roof with horizontal

7. Rafter: Inclined member of a pitched roof

8. Principal rafter: Principle inclined member of a pitched roof

9. Common rafter: Intermediate rafter of a pitched roof which carry the load of roof covering material through battens. The rafter which distributes the load of roof covering material to principal rafter through purlin.

10. Jack rafter: Common rafter with small dimension

11. Hip: External angle formed by the intersection of two pitched roof

12. Hip rafter: Rafter connecting through hip points

13. Valley: Internal angle or included angle formed by the intersection of two pitched roof.

14. Valley rafter : Rafter connecting through valley points

15. Batten: Small timber pieces which connect roof covering material to common rafter

16. Purlin: Timber pieces which connect common rafter with principal rafter

17. Cleat: Nails made by steel or timber material which is used to attach purlin with principal rafter

18. Barge board: Eave board provide at the verge of a pitched roof

19. Verge: Edge of a pitched roof at the gable end

20. Eave board: Lower edge of a pitched roof used to drain out water

21. Template: Smaller timber plates used to distribute heavy load from pitched roof to a large cross sectional vertical column

22. Abutment: This is a spot where the roof face meets the wall of the home, instead of a roof ridge. Abutments are common on small home additions, such as door canopies, bay windows, attached sheds or garages

The video gives animated description of components of roof; very useful for students preparing Assistant Engineer , SSC JE, Overseer level exams

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