Name of the Department | Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology |
Name of the Post | Scientific Assistant/B (Civil) |
Vacancy | 02 |
Educational Qualification | Diploma in Civil Engineering |
Upper Age Limit | 18 Years -30 Years |
Pay Scale | 35400/- |
Start Date to Apply | 01/06/2022 |
End Date to Apply | 14/06/2022 |
Official Website | www.rrcat.gov.in |
The selection process will consist of tests in 3 stages. (Stage 1 & 2 – Written Test and Stage 3 – Trade / Skills Test).
Stage 1- Preliminary Test
Screening examination will be held to shortlist candidates. The format of the screening examination will be common for all disciplines and will be in the following format:
1. Examination shall comprise 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Choice of four answers) of
one hour duration in the following proportion : Mathematics : 20 questions ,Science : 20 questions ,General Awareness : 10 questions
2. ‘3’ marks will be awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer
3.Test may be conducted in single/multiple sessions.
4.All candidates with <40% in UR category will be screened out.Suitable relaxation will be granted to ST category vacancy in the cut-off % to ensure that sufficient number of candidates are screened in for Stage 2.
Stage 2- Advanced Test
1. All candidates screened in Stage 1 will undertake an advanced test in their respective trade.
2. The test will comprise 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Choice of four answers) with ‘3’ marks awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark deducted for each incorrect answer. Test will be of two hours duration.
3. All candidates with <30% in UR category to be screened out. Appropriate relaxation in % of marks for ST category vacancy will be granted to ensure that sufficient numbers of candidates are shortlisted for Stage 3. However, lowest cut-off for reserved vacancies in Stage 2 shall not be fixed below 20%.
4. A merit list of candidates will be prepared after Stage 2 based upon scores obtained in Stage 2 only.
Stage 3- Trade / Skills Test
1. Based upon the merit list prepared after Stage 2, candidates in each trade will be short listed for Trade.
2. The number of candidates shortlisted for Trade / Skills Test will depend upon the number of candidates qualifying for Stage 2 but shall not exceed 5 times the number of vacancies in each trade.
3. The Trade /Skills Test will be conducted on “Go/No-Go” basis for qualifying the candidates.
4. Candidates clearing the Trade / Skills Test will be shortlisted and empanelled in order of merit based on marks secured in Stage 2. The candidates will be given choice to answer the questions in written exam/trade test in Hindi or English.
Name of the Post | Upper Age Limit |
Scientific Assistant/B (Civil) | Minimum – 18 Years,, Maximum-30 Years |
Name of the Post | Duties |
Scientific Assistant/B (Civil) | Supervision of civil construction and maintenance activities. |
a) Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. The candidates are required to give correct information. The applicants would be admitted to the written test on the basis of information furnished by them in their application form.
b) Education/ Technical Qualifications should be from a recognized University / Board of Technical
Education of Central or State Government.
c) In case University / Board award letter grades / CGPA / OGPA, the same will have to be indicated as equivalent percentage of marks as per the norms adopted by that University / Board. In the absence of the same, the candidature will not be considered.
d) Recruitment rule for Scientific Assistant/B or Scientific Assistant/C and Technician/B or Technician/Cprescribes the eligibility criteria in terms of minimum qualification & percentage of marks. However, if the candidates with higher qualifications opt for selection to the post prescribed for lower qualification, they will not be denied in principle the opportunity of their recruitment.
a) B.Sc./Diploma in Engineering – 6 Years
b) B.Tech./AMIE/M.Sc. – 8 Years
c) M.Tech./Ph.D. – 10 Years
e) Age relaxation to (1) PWD candidates (2) Ex-servicemen, (3) departmental candidates (central
government civilian employees), (4) family members of those who died in 1984 riots (5) persons who
had ordinarily been domiciled in Kashmir division of the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period
from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 (6) Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from
their husbands and who are not re-married; will be as per extant Government orders.
f) The definition of EWS (Economically Weaker Section) will be as per the DoPT OM No.
36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31/01/2019. (For details click the link)
g) Only date of birth indicated in Matriculation Certificate / Municipal Birth Certificate will be accepted. No subsequent request for change shall be entertained.
h) The filling up of vacancy indicated in advertisement is subject to approval of Competent Authority and may not be filled up if decided otherwise in terms of the orders issued by Government from time to time.
i) The eligibility criteria including period of experience as prescribed in the advertisement will be
determined with reference to the last date of submission of application.
j) RRCAT, Indore reserves the right to fill up the post or even to cancel / restrict / modify / alter the
whole process of recruitment without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason therefor.
k) Candidates selected against this advertisement are likely to be posted at Indore but they are liable to serve in any of the constituent units of the Department of Atomic Energy in India.
l) Candidates who have not acquired / will not acquire the required educational qualification as on
CLOSING DATE of submission of application will not be eligible and need not apply.
m) The applicants are requested to visit constantly our website for current information related to this
n) Written Test / Interview/Trade Test will be conducted at RRCAT, Indore (MP) only.
o) Only unemployed SC/ST outstation candidates will be paid to and fro travelling allowance of Second class railway fare or bus fare by the shortest route as admissible under rules subject to production of paper tickets. If concessional tickets are available, reimbursement will be limited to the concessional fare only.
p) Candidates should come prepared to stay in Indore for Written Test and Interview for minimum two days. No accommodation will be provided for these two days to the candidates.
q) In addition to the normal Pay and Allowances as admissible under rules, the employees of the
Department of Atomic Energy are entitled
r) The selected candidates will be governed by the National Pension System which has come into force with effect from 01.01.2004 vide Notification No. 5/7/2003-ECB&PR dated 22.12.2003 of Ministry of Finance.
s) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS category should clearly indicate the same in the
application (even when applying for UR vacancy) and should furnish proof of the same in the specified format at the time of written test/skill test/interview (as applicable) failing which they will be treated as Unreserved (UR) and subsequent representations for change of community status will not be entertained.
t) Candidates from Maharashtra State belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories need to submit Validity
Certificate from Scrutiny Committee as per The Maharashtra Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
De-notified Tribes, (VimuktaJatis), Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Special Backward
Category (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of) Caste Certificate Act, 2000, published in
the Maharashtra Government Gazette on 23rd May 2001.
u) OBC candidate’s caste certificate should be issued by an authorized authority in the prescribed
Central Government format with non-creamy layer certificate and the caste/community should have
been included in the Central lists of Other Backward Caste. The crucial date for determining the OBC
non-creamy layer certificate will be the closing date of on-line application.
v) Selection of SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates are will be provisional and is subject to the caste/category certificates being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to elong to Caste/category as the case may be, is false, the selection will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of Indian penal code for production of false certificates.
w) Women Candidates fulfilling the requirements for the post are encouraged to apply against the
recruitment advertisement. Also the specific benefits available to women employees may be perused
in the website of the Department of Personnel & Training namely persmin.nic.in.
x) Disability Certificate Requirement
(ii) Last date of applying online application is 14/06/2022.
(iii) Candidates may visit the site for submitting their application online.
(iv) Candidates are required to have valid e-mail ID and a mobile number which should remain active during the currency of this recruitment. Call letter for Written Test to the screened-in candidates will be sent on registered e-mail ID only.
(v) User guide is available on the web-site duly explaining the procedure to apply and upload recent photograph and signature. The applicants must read the user guide before online submission of application.
(vi) RRCAT is not responsible for any discrepancy in submitting details online. The applicants are therefore advised to strictly follow the instructions and user guide.
(vii) Before uploading / submission of application form, the candidates should be cautious and ensure his/her eligibility to apply for the post. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank.
(viii) Only one application should be submitted for one post. If a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, separate application should be submitted for each post.
(ix) Issuance of an admit-card for the Written Test/Trade Test will not confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be solely subject to the fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.
(x) Applicant must possess required qualification and experience as on last date of submission of application.
(xi) Candidates are advised to submit the online application well in advance without waiting for closing date.
(xii) Candidates working under the Central/State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings /Autonomous Bodies etc. are required to submit “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employer while appearing for Written Test/Trade Test, failing which they will not be permitted to appear in Written Test/Trade Test.
(xiii) The Candidates are required to upload the documents at the time of submitting of application
(xiv) Candidate is also required to bring the above documents in original as well as aself attested copy of each at the time of Written Test/Interview/Trade Test, failing which they will not be permitted to appear in Written Test/ Interview/ Trade Test. RECORDS OF THE NON-SELECTED CANDIDATES SHALL NOT BE PRESERVED BEYOND 6 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF FORMATION OF SELECT LIST. CANVASSING IN ANY FORM SHALL BE A DISQUALIFICATION
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